Belonging is important. From the moment of birth, we all seek to belong. To know the faces, voices and touch of those we call mother and father is essential in the development of a child. The need to belong is not limited to our family. When a person comes seeking to be part of our parish family, he or she is asking to belong.
We state our desire to belong to a parish community by formally registering in the parish. Registering is a rather simple act that brings responsibility and commitment. Belonging to a parish community is more than filling out our registration form. Registration means that we want to gather each Sunday with our brothers and sisters in Christ to worship God and that we want and intend to support the work of the Church.
In practical terms, completing this form allows the parish to know how many families live in the parish and it allows parish staff to contact families when this is deemed necessary.
Supporting the work of the Church is the responsibility of all registered members. We support the work of our parish by sharing our time, talents and monetary resources. A weekly offering assists with the Church’s ministry needs, provides a suitable location for liturgical celebrations and assists with the living accommodations of our priests. Using offertory envelopes assists everyone and it allows the church to provide a yearly receipt for income tax.
Although a parish is busy with many activities, the primary works of the Church are to praise and worship God, to proclaim the gospel and initiate new members. All these are the work of the entire parish community (all registered members).
When someone is seeking to celebrate a sacrament, it is only natural for the Church to inquire if the family is registered with the parish. Registration is a concrete sign that the family is involved in the life and work of the Church.